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Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Tibet Autonomous Region, China (Grant No. 2016-ZR-15-23), the Fund from the Key Laboratory of Optical Information Processing and Visualization Technology, Tibet Autonomous Region, China, the Young Talent Cultivation Plan of Xizang (Tibet) Minzu University, China (Grant No. 14myQP05), and the Important Cultivate Plan of Xizang Minzu University (Grant No. 12myZP02).
In order to seek a transition metal cluster with high ability to adsorb CO molecule, the author performs a density function theory calculation on COScn (n = 2–8, 13) clusters. The results demonstrate that COScn (n = 2–8, 13) clusters have the large adsorption energies of which the values are over 3.6 eV, and the elongations of C–O bond length exceed 20% in most calculated sizes. Adsorbing CO contributes to the improvement of the chemical activity, but reduces the magnetic moment of corresponding Scn cluster.
Transition metal (TM) cluster always possesses complex surface- and large surface-to-volume ratios, so it can be used more easily as a favorable catalysis than corresponding bulk. Therefore, the study of the electronic properties for small molecule adsorbed on the TM nanocluster has aroused great interest of researchers in recent years.[1–5]
Among all of the clusters of 3d series, small scandium (Sc) clusters (Sc2–Sc20) have been main subject of studying the dependence of magnetic moments on cluster size during the past years.[6–9] Like the exploration of the variation of magnetism of the pure Sc cluster, theoretical researches of the complexes such as ScnAl, ScnMn, ScnFe, etc. also focused on the effect on the magnetic moment from the doping atoms (Al, Mn, Fe, etc.). These studies have come to the universal conclusion that all of the doping atoms, from an overall perspective, tend toreduce the magnetic moments of corresponding Sc clusters.[9–11]
As is well known, Sc atom has not only a large atomic radius in 3d series, but also surface effect in nanocluster-size, these characteristics mean that Sc cluster should have a high adsorption efficiency in the process of adsorbing small molecules. However, no report on such an adsorption behavior is available to date. By contrast, there are a wide variety of studies about the interaction between other TM clusters (such as Mn, Au, Ni, Pd) with certain small molecules,such as carbon monoxide (CO).[12–15] According to these earlier investigations, studies of the electronic and magnetic properties of the CO–Xn (n = Mn, Au, Ni, Pd, etc.) complexes have beena critical focus area. It is worth noting that, however, the adsorption energies of CO adsorbed on these TM clusters are rather small in most sizes, and the biggest value of them is generally no more than 2 eV. Such an exhibition suggests the relatively low adsorption efficiency of CO molecule. A special case is the adsorption of CO on yttrium (Y) clusters, a series of large values of adsorption energies was theoretically given as the size of YnCO cluster varies, in which the values are above 3 eV in most cases.[16] Nevertheless, the application of Y in a variety of experiments is very limited no matter whether it is cluster or bulk. Although Y clusters exhibit high adsorption efficiency in adsorbing CO, NO,[16,17] it is merely of theoretical significance in a certain sense. In comparison to Y, the bulk of Sc is widely used in various experiments relating to the new materials preparation. Therefore, it has practical significance to investigate the interaction between small molecule and Sc nanoclusters. Given this, the electronic properties of COScn (n = 1–8, 13) clusters can be studied in detail. The calculated adsorption energies of COScn complexes are beyond 3.5 eV in most cluster sizes, showing the favorable efficiency of the catalytic performance of Sc nanoclusters. It is hoped that our findings could be useful for some relevant experiments in seeking the new kind catalyst with high performance.
All calculations were performed by employing density functional theory (DFT) implemented in the DMOL3 package.[18] The exchange–correlation interaction was treated within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) by using Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) function.[19] The treatment of electrons-core was based on the employment of the DFT-based semi-core pseudopotential (DSPP),[20] and a double numerical basis including d-polarization function (DND) were chosen.
The accuracy of the way described above was tested by the computations on small Sc2 dimer and CO molecule. For Sc2, the quintet state is energetically the lowest among all spin multiplicities in this calculation, which is in good consistence with other theoretical results[7,8] and the experimental ones.[21,22] For CO, the bond length 1.142 Å and vibrational frequency 2096.29 cm−1 are all in accordance with the experimental values of 1.128 Å and 2143.2 cm−1,[23] respectively. This suggests that our method used here is suitable to studying the small COScn (n = 2–8, 13) clusters.
The ground state geometries of the pure Scn (n = 2–8, 13) clusters, which are in good consistence with other theoretical calculations,[8] are first optimized as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. Ground state structures of pure Scn and COScn clusters. The red and gray balls represent O and C atoms, respectively. |
All of the ground state structures of COScn (n = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 13) complexes are viewed as C atom adsorbed on face position of corresponding Scn cluster (except for n = 2). Meanwhile, the O atom prefers to bond with neighboring Sc atoms, covering another face laterally. An important feature of this evolution is that the basic framework of corresponding Scn cluster, within the range of n = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 13, is not modified even though CO is adsorbed on the face position. However, essentially structural change occurs at n = 5, 7. One can see that the triangular bipyramid structure of Sc5 transforms into a square pyramid with C atom nearly in the center of the bottom. Meanwhile, O atom still shows the tendency to unite with other two Sc atoms by occupying the bridge site. Similarly, the adsorption of CO leads to the fundamental alteration of the host Sc7 cluster, accompanied by the alike adsorption model as n = 5.
Such evolution behaviors are basically similar to those of COYn complexes,[16] but different from those of CO on Ni, Pd, Au, and Mn clusters where the C atom of CO tends to occupy the bridge site (Mn, Ni), or top position (Mn, Au, Pd) of corresponding cluster.[12–15] Apparently, the adsorption model of face site easily makes more Sc atoms bond with C atom, giving rise to the enhancement of adsorption strength.
The adsorption strength between cluster and small molecule can generally be reflected by the adsorption energy which is defined as
A necessary step of analyzing the catalytic ability is to explore the variation of bond length and vibrational frequency of small molecule adsorbed on cluster. Hence, we present the calculated C–O bond lengths and vibrational frequencies of CO for corresponding COScn (n = 2–8) clusters in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. CO bond lengths (above) and vibrational frequencies (below) of COScn (n = 2–8, 13) clusters. |
Such an extension amount is far more than those in CO adsorbed on Mn, Ni, Pd, and Au clusters, in which the C–O bond length is roughly 1.1 Å.[12–15] It is noted that the variation tendency of bond length of C–O in COYn complexes is coincident with COScn clusters in the same size with the exception of n = 8.[16] In contrast to the molecular adsorptions of COXn (X = Mn, Ni, Pd, and Au) complexes, which correspond to a really small elongation of C–O bond length, the adsorption of CO on Scn cluster could be regarded as dissociated adsorption according to the size of C–O bond length.
As far as the vibrational frequency is concerned, the calculated results show a trend opposite to the variation of bond length. As displayed in Fig.
According to the discussion above, we easily learn that COSc5 is in possession of the large adsorption energy and weakened interaction between C and O atom in comparison to the structures of other sizes. This could be attributed to the unusual structure as discussed in Section 1, in which the C atom contributes to bond with four Sc atoms instead of adopting the pattern as done by the structures with other sizes. As is well known, the electronic configuration of an isolated C atom is 2s22p2, which will redistribute to sp3 hybridization to form four equivalent C–Sc bonds as C approaches four Sc atoms. This behavior is actually in favour of the stability of the corresponding cluster. In this case, the O atom has more chances to bond with near Sc atoms to form stronger Sc–O bonds which can be mirrored by the shortest Sc–O bong length as displayed in Table
The energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is a commonly used measure of the ability for cluster to undergo activated chemical reactions with small molecule, so we analyze the variation tendencies of the HOMO–LUMO gaps for Scn and COScn clusters.
First, the change trends of the HOMO–LUMO gaps of Scn (n = 2–8, 13) calculated here are in consistence with the outcomes presented in Ref. [8]. It is found that within the calculated range, the HOMO–LUMO gaps for Scn maintain the values in a range of about 0.28 eV–0.4 eV in most sizes, with a sharp drop from n = 3 (0.50 eV) to n = 6 (0.21 eV). However, dramatic changes occur due to the adsorbing CO molecule. One can see that the energy gap has a relatively large value (about 1.0276 eV) at n = 2, then it rapidly decreases as the size increases from n = 3. Also, all of the values are less than 0.1 eV in a range of n = 6, 7, 8, and 13, in which a value of local minimum (about 0.0073 eV) is found at n = 7. Smaller energy gap usually means high chemical activity for corresponding cluster, so it is possible for COScn clusters to interact with more CO molecules in the relatively larger size.
For exploring the essence of interaction between CO and Scn cluster, the partial densities of states (PDOSs) for different size clusters are calculated. Here, the PDOS for COScn (n = 3, 5, and 7) are selectedas displayed in Figs.
It is seen that both COSc3 and COSc7 have similar features at the lower energy states. Namely, two sharp peaks at the Fermi level can be clearly observed which means that the strong s–p–d overlaps. Besides, the contribution from d state seems to be large near the Fermi level (about −0.01 eV), whereas weak s–p–d overlaps, which is the same characteristic at the higher energy level (about 0.03 eV) for both COSc3 and COSc7.
However, distingushing features of three prominent peaks for COSc5 at the energy levels from −0.15 eV to 0 are observed, showing strong localization of bonding electrons. Generally, more peaks of s–p–d overlaps near the Fermi level always mean the intense interactions between CO and Sc5 cluster. This resultaccords well with the description of adsorption energy, as well as the exhibition of C–O bond length and vibrational frequency.
The variation of magnetism of Scn cluster, derived from the adsorption of CO molecule, is also the interesting topic to be discussed. As we know, Scn (n = 2–13) complexes always possess relatively large magnetic moments in certain cluster sizes as shown in Table
Given this, the analysis of charge transfer, as well as the magnetic ordering of COScn complexes is necessary, which is calculated as displayed in Table
In CO–X (X = Ni, Au, Mn, Pd) series, much attention has been paid to the variation of C–O bond which provides sufficient information about the electronic properties of corresponding cluster.[12–15] However, the interaction between O and X atom (X = Ni, Au, Mn) is regarded as being weak due to the indirect bond between O and X atoms, so the authors insist that O–X (X = Ni, Au, Mn) bond makes almost no contribution to the stability of corresponding cluster. By contrast, Y–O bond has important effects on the stability, electronic properties and magnetism of COYn clusters. Nevertheless, no comparison can be found between Y–C and Y–O bond.[16] As is well known, the adsorption behavior of CO on Scn cluster is similar to those of COYn complexes. Then, it is significant to study the interplay between Sc–C and Sc–O, as well as the charge transfer between CO and Scn clusters. Here, both the average bond lengths of Sc–C and Sc–O are simultaneously calculated to compare these differences.
![]() | Table 1. Values of average bond length of Sc–C and Sc–O (L), Mulliken charge transfer distribution (Q) of the C and O atoms, magnetic moments (M) of Scn, COScn, C, and O atoms. . |
It could be readily seen that the change of average bond length of Sc–C is closely related to the cluster size, from 1.961 Å at n = 2 to 2.135 Å as n = 13. By contrast, the Sc–O bond in corresponding size seems to be shorter, indicating that the interaction between Sc and O is stronger than that of Sc–C. Specially, the local minimum (2.003 Å), except for n = 2, is observed with n = 5, implying comparatively strengthened interplay occurs between CO and Sc5 cluster. This is coincident with the exhibition of stability discussed above. In comparison with COYn clusters, the values of Sc–O are apparently smaller than those of Y–O bonds (2.147 Å–2.169 Å),[16] which illustrates that the action force between CO and Scn clusters is greater than that between the COYn complexes.
In regard to the charge transfer of COScn clusters, we find that both C and O atoms gain electrons in all of the calculated sizes, and the electrons accepted by O atom are more than those by C atom, and the difference between the numbers of accepted electrons is about 0.45e. Obviously, the fact that more electrons are accepted by O atom means the strengthened interaction between O and Sc atoms as comparedwith that between C–Sc bonds. Moreover, the number of electrons accepted by O atom (0.607e) for COSc5 is the biggest in all of the calculated range, which is in accord with the exhibition of the shortest bond length of Sc–O at n = 5. Such a result is fundamentally different form those from COMnn, COAun series, in which C atom prefers to lose electrons whereas O atom prefers to accept electrons.[12,13] Although similar charge distributions of C and O atoms in COYn clusters is also observed,[16] the accepted electrons of them are less than those of COScn series calculated here.
Besides, we perform a detailed investigation of the magnetism of COScn series so as to analyze the influence of adsorbing CO on the Scn clusters. First, the magnetic moment of pure Scn clusteris calculated as shown in Table
As is well known, the free CO molecule has no magnetic moment. However, adsorbing CO has an effect on the magnetic moments of the Scn clusters. One can see that the magnetic moments of bare Scn clusters decrease as a whole, along with the exhibition of antidirection magnetic ordering of C and O atoms in certain sizes. For example, the antiferromagnetic moments of C and O atoms (−0.028 μB for C, and −0.003 μB for O) are found in COSc5 cluster. It is clear that adsorbing CO tends to weaken the magnetic moments of pure Scn clusters, even the quenching for n = 2, 4, and 6.
In general, the magnetic moments of clusters are closely related to the overlap of the orbitals and geometrical symmetry. This is the fact in the COScn complexes. One can see that the adsorption of CO molecule lowers the symmetry of corresponding structure of the host Scn cluster. Meanwhile, severe interaction between CO and Scn cluster contributes to the improvement in the orbital hybridization between them. All of these make Sc atom of corresponding cluster not keep the 3d state localized, which naturally gives rise to the reduction of the magnetic moment in corresponding cluster size.
The structures, electronic, and magnetic properties of the COScn clusters (n = 2–8, 13) are investigated by using density-functional theory (DFT) with spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation. The results show that the basic frameworks of most host Scn clusters, except for n = 5 and 7, still have the adsorption the same as the that of CO molecule. The C atom prefers to be adsorbed on the face site while the O atom is also inclined to bond with the neighboring Sc atoms. The Scn clusters exhibit high adsorption ability based on the analysis of the large adsorption energy, lengthened C–O bond, and weakened vibrational frequency between the C and O atoms. Adsorption of CO contributes to the enhancement of chemical activity of the corresponding Scn cluster. The Sc–O bond has a particularly important effect on the interaction between CO and Scn clusters. The adsorbing of CO reduces the magnetic moments for certain host Scn clusters by providing the antiferromagnetic moments of C and O atoms.
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